Callaway - Forged Vintage

Forged Vintage

  - Callaway
Well-known club designer Roger Cleveland designed these wedges to include a tighter heel-toe radius for more versatility from a variety of lies. The wedges are forged from 1020 carbon steel and feature a low-glare finish.
  lapiho2875 - 10/31/24
In the bitlife Life Simulator, you will play a simulation game where you must make life-changing choices. For instance, you could wed the love of your life, start a family, and further your education.
  sixgunz - 7/18/10
Had this bent to a 47* because my P wedge is a 45*. Much better to chip with.
  mbaker4183 - 7/24/15
  mirkwood00 - 4/17/15
  americaninfidel - 3/10/15
  samuelpottage - 11/26/14
  LionelWhitlow - 9/9/13
  jwieks50 - 6/26/13
Golfer Stats
Number of Users: 182
Average Handicap: 12.8
Miggancarlos33jonwalker1ShaderzSumo2guitarman5150Frenchee76pargolf395ZimloadersamuelpottageSchooners41tedalexjonamericaninfidelThe Goldworkspsulion32billysglitchBrad_Karma626LionelWhitlowHannigan_44ZTaylor

Equipment Ratings




