CommonGround Golf Course
10300 E Golfers Way
Aurora, CO 80010-4393, United States

Formerly Mira Vista GC, this course is owned by the Colorado Golf Association and the Colorado Women's Golf Association. CGA/CWGA members enjoy slightly reduced fees, while season passes are also available.

The main course was completely rebuilt in 2008 with a Tom Doak design, while the CGA added a kids' course (open to all) to give newer players a short, comfortable place to learn the game.
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Course Details

Greens Fees (including cart):
   Weekday:$60 - $74
   Weekend:$60 - $74
   9-hole fees evenings only
General Manager:Dave Troyer
Superintendent:Tracy Richard
Guest Policy:open
Dress Code:No Tanktops or Cuttoffs
Season Start:Feburary
Season End:November
Reserved Tee Times:Online & Phone
Pro Shop :yes
Fairways Grass:Blue, rye
Driving Range:Grass hitting surface
Short Game Practice:yes with sand bunker
Water Hazards:Scarce
Sand Bunkers:Moderate

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(*): Score has gametracker data
Recent Reviews

  Axefretter74 - 09/18/2014
Course design is just okay. Great greens as they will break. Pace of play was good. Course staff is friendly. Not priced right for the metro area...
  EZrider - 02/22/2014
I like the layout, well maintained with challenging shot-making. fairways and greens are in good shape. a reasonable driving range, and good putting practice greens.
  John Unruh - 09/30/2012
Great course. It is in good shape, great shape given the drought and the condition of other courses in the area. The penalty for missing the fairway is pretty high. The first rough is high, and outside that it is an adventure. Pace of play was good.
  ljp3 - 05/06/2012
This course was redone 4 years ago and they did a great job. I would not recommend playing if you are not accurate off the tee, or use cheap balls. The second cut is THICK, I lost 5 balls over 18 holes all in the 2nd cut. Greens are challenging which could account for the slow play, you often see multiple breaks in puts outside of 15 feet.
  corusa1200 - 04/17/2010
Common Ground Golf Course is one of the best in Denver.
Amazing course, perfect service, STELLAR greens. Now we actually need the course to be available on my skycaddie. More than half of my Colorado course are "unavailable" in my skycourses favorite.
  refisk951 - 10/11/2013
  jefferya - 08/17/2013
  DJMichel - 06/07/2013
  paweida - 06/06/2013
  cmaston - 05/02/2013
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