Salem Hills Golf Club
8820 6 Mile Rd
Northville, MI 48168, United States

Bruce Matthews designed this course, which opened in 1963. The club regularly hosts group outings from 20 to 175 people. Walking is permitted only on weekdays at $24.

This course has updated information like phone, address, description or scorecard and is pending approval. These changes must be approved before they will be available on a SkyCaddie.

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Course Details

Greens Fees (including cart):
   Weekday:$40 - $49
   Weekend:$40 - $49
Superintendent:Jon Shreve, GCSAA
Season Start:March
Season End:November
Water Hazards:Scarce
Sand Bunkers:Moderate

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Include 9-hole scores Best score per golfer
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(*): Score has gametracker data
Recent Reviews

  sml1960@sbcglobal.net - 07/27/2012
Longer course, but open enough that you can grip it and rip it. Well maintained and great conditioning considering the number of rounds that are played on the course
  istarshine - 09/05/2011
great golf course
  bkuehn1952 - 08/25/2011
A good course for any level of player. Most holes allow one to run the ball up on to the green. Only a few forced carries. Greens are smooth and well maintained.
  mail4allyn - 03/07/2010
Salem Hills is a good public course, challenging but very playable. Certain holes you must keep it in play otherwise the heather will eat your ball, not a lot of water and the sand traps are well groomed. The only negative is that the people who play the course do not repair their ball marks on the green, the course could do a better job of havng rangers rpauir ball marks on the green. Otherwise the staff is friendly and you feel welcome at the course.
  ianzam - 06/13/2014
  kwalker8160 - 08/30/2013
  wilgo4c2c - 08/11/2013
  dreich3@gmail.com - 06/01/2013
  rugdoc1 - 08/28/2012
  dshep1340 - 08/15/2012
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